logo_NMTTMikey Sheanon is off to Africa again in support of the Niall Mellon Township Trust and he needs your help.  This time he’s Kenya-bound where, this autumn, a Building Blitz is being organised to construct  a new school for children who are currently learning outside or in tin shacks.  The fundraising in support of this worthy project is already underway and here’s how you can help.

A Bring & Buy Cake Sale is being held this Saturday in Cuala from 9:00 a.m.  So why not drop in with a little something  and see what you could buy in return.  Hint, a “little something” need only be your purse.  And even if you haven’t a sweet tooth,  Mikey will be delighted to see you and tell you about his plans to make life a little sweeter for the school kids in Kenya.

If you cant make it along on the day and want to help, you can contact Mikey  086-2655918


Niall Mellon Township Trust

Township Challenge 2012