Minor and U16 Girls Forum

Minor & U16 girls enjoyed a forum with Dublin players Nicole Owens & our own Jess Tobin and former athlete and sports injuries specialist Fiona Opperman on resilience in sport. Thanks to the coaches and mentors for organising and Shéana Lewis & Aobha Cooney for chairing. Thanks also to Barnhill Stores for sponsoring a lovely lunch after the event.

Humans of Camogie Series

To celebrate 120 years, The Camogie Association’s Humans of Camogie campaign asked clubs all over the country to tell them about the people contributing to camogie at their clubs. One of our nominees was Donal Murphy, who shared his story of his long involvement with, and love for, camogie at Cuala.

Donal Murphy, Senior Camogie Coach, Cuala 

Donal Murphy has been instrumental in developing Adult Camogie at Cuala over nearly two decades. His inherent love of the sport has no doubt been influenced by strong family connections, with sisters who played for Dublin, including Edel who was on the 1984 All Ireland winning team, and a brother who was a manager for the Dublin senior camogie squad. His daughter, Sinéad, also now currently plays for the Dublin Seniors.  

Having commenced coaching at Cuala in 2005, Donal was involved in re-establishing the Adult Camogie squad and section in the club in 2014/2015, subsequently helping the 1st team progress from Div 5 through to winning Intermediate Championship in 2018 and reaching Senior 2 Championship finals in 2020 and 2022. Further to achieving success on the pitch, Donal has been a champion of good coaching practice in the club, often also coaching juvenile players, and is a strong advocate for life balance for players – encouraging young players to continue to play camogie through teenage years, including through State exams, into college and even when living overseas.  

Donal has undoubtedly been an unwaveringly positive influence in the development of Cuala camogie and in instilling a love of the game in a generation of players.  

Cuala 3rds Dublin LGFA Div 12 Championship Winners

Congratulations to the ladies thirds football team who secured an important win over St. Mark’s this week to be crowned Div12 Champions.

The game was played away at St. Marks with Cuala having been beaten twice by St. Marks this year and more recently by 14 points.

The management of Fintan, Ray and Philip had the ladies focused. It was point for point all the way through. One point down 5 mins left – goal for cuala. Then St. Marks scored a point. Ahead by one and Cuala held on.

A super achievement for the ladies away from home. Well done management too.. more silverware for the third ladies!

Club Coaching Officer

Cuala is inviting applications for the role of club coaching officer.

Please find role specification here.

Applications by email should be sent to secretary.cuala.dublin@gaa.ie by 27th September 2024.

Humans of Camogie Series

To celebrate 120 years, The Camogie Association’s Humans of Camogie campaign asked clubs all over the country to tell them about the people contributing to camogie at their clubs. Our first nominee to be featured is Colmán Ó Drisceoil, who shared his story of his long involvement with, and love for, camogie at Cuala.

Colmán Ó Drisceoil

A iníonacha Róisín agus Aoife a tharraing isteach sa Chamógaíocht. ‘Téarma saoil’ lán le scrunchies, chats, handstands, cóisirí, seacláid the. Ó Acadamh Cuala go Rannóg na nÓg go Lánfhásta – níochán bibeanna, crochadh eangach, ceangal iallacha, bailiú cón, lorg sliotar, bailiú seodra. Cótaí, brístí agus buataisí ag sú báistí. Díospóireachtaí bríomhaire le réiteoirí, bainisteoirí, tuismitheoirí.  Ró-the, ró-fhuar, ró-fhliuch, ró-chrua, ró-fhada, ró-luath, ró-dhéanach, ró-dhorcha le himirt. Cé a thug na geansaithe, na liostaí, an gharchabhair, €20 don réiteoir, na heochracha? Ach caillte gan é.

CMán Cuala Hurling Festival

Last Sunday more than 160 boys from age groups U10 to U14 took part in the CMán Cuala Hurling Festival at Thomastown, which was the culmination of a summer hurling initiative for juvenile boys. The initiative was focused on integrating players and coaches from the different age groups and giving the players an opportunity to be coached by some inter-county and club stars before the season commences. The festival on Sunday saw inter-county stars Cian Kenny and David Blanchfield from Kilkenny, Offaly’s Adam Screeney, as well as our own Sean Brennan and Liam Murphy manage (and even play with!) the juvenile teams for what was a fun-filled day of hurling.

Thanks to all the coaches who supported the training throughout the initiative and in particular our Cuala senior hurlers. A special mention to Ryan Malone who coordinated all the coaching slots with Cuala senior hurlers. Thanks to Stephen Butler, Jamie Conroy, Conor Groarke, Jack Twomey, Cormac Spain, Conor Lowry, Michael Conroy, Eoghan O Callaghan, Donal Murphy and our Dublin senior hurlers Sean Brennan and Liam Murphy. A massive thanks to Finbarr Murphy, Luke Hand and Neil Casey who have have been instrumental driving forces behind the scenes.

Thanks to all the lead coaches (Glenn, Aonghus, Damien, Tim, Neil, Fintan, Denis, Tim) who helped with all the logistics and of course to all the other parents and club members who volunteered in so many ways to make Sunday’s event happen.

And finally, a sincere thanks to Shane O’Brien who led the organisation of this hugely successful initiative throughout the summer.

See more images over on the gallery page of the website: Gallery – Cuala GAC – Official Website (cualagaa.ie)

Dermot Earley Youth Leadership Course Registration

Applications are now open for the hugely popular Dermot Earley programme. The initiative, aimed at Transition Year students, focuses on the development of leadership skills and is accredited by the National University of Ireland, Galway (FETAC Level 6).  Find out more about the programme here.

If your daughter/son is interested in participating in the programme, please forward a notification of interest via this form https://forms.gle/Tch3QYi1HxjqFCBb9.

Registration will be open until 5p.m. on Friday 13th September.

Cuala 4 Zambia at Nsobe School

Cuala 4 Zambia

American College Football

Dublin was abuzz last weekend as more than 27,000 American tourists descended on the city to watch Georgia Tech play Florida State University in the Aviva Stadium in the opening game of the college football season.

With our club sponsor Amgen sponsoring the event last weekend, Cuala representatives Sean Brennan and Sinéad Wylde accompanied our Chairperson Aisling Fay in presenting Amgen CEO Paul Greene with a Cuala jersey at half-time. A great day for Amgen, and for Cuala, at the Aviva!

LGFA Junior I Shield Winners

Huge congratulations to the Cuala Women’s 3rd team on winning the Junior I Shield against Liffey Gaels last week.