About All-Stars

Cuala All-Stars is a fun social team for children with additional needs. Our child-led sessions run by Cuala volunteers involve sporting activities such as football, basketball and matches, but also sometimes just consist of good old-fashioned games such as hide-and-seek or tag. The aim of our team is first and foremost to have fun, but also to encourage activity, socialising and team spirit. Our success is measured by smiles and participation.

All Stars FAQs

We meet once a week at 11am Saturday at St. Joseph’s School, Tivoli Road, Dun Laoghaire.

Our sessions are led by Cuala volunteers, many of whom are teachers or SNAs, but also include Cuala Transition Year students eager to volunteer in our club community. All volunteers are compliant with garda vetting and child safeguarding.

Yes of course! Contact the All Stars via the button below and we will be happy to arrange for your child to join a session.

Yes! We are always looking for additional volunteers. Contact the All Stars and we will provide information on how you can become a volunteer.

Interested in joining or finding out more? Contact the All Stars.


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