Interview With Cuala Chairperson, Aisling Fay

Interview with Aisling Fay, Cuala Chairperson

For every player and team in Cuala there are a huge number of people working behind the scenes. Recently as part of the Camogie Association Pr-Óg Programme, Hannah Blackmore caught up with the Cuala Chairperson, Aisling Fay to find out more about her role in Cuala.

What is your role and responsibilities as the chairperson?

The chairperson of the club oversees the operations and strategic planning in the club along with the club executive (An Coiste).

What qualities do you need to have as a chairperson?

I think you need to be organised and have good interpersonal skills. Obviously, an interest in sport also helps!!

Describe your workday as a chairperson

I spend around 30 mins every day answering emails. I usually have 2-3 meeting per week with various groups in the club. The Coiste meet once a month and at these meetings we look forward to see how we can progress as a club and what our priorities are that month.

What aspects of the role do you enjoy and what sort of time commitment does it involve?

I really enjoy the challenges the role presents. The Coiste are an extremely professional group and we work very well together. I enjoy when we get positive things done in the club. We put a lot of hard work into our clubhouse last year and we are very happy with the amount of footfall we now see in the clubhouse.

What is your day job? 

I’m a primary school principal in Gaelscoil naFuinseoige, Churchtown.

Do you have much of a GAA background?

My family are huge GAA people, they live and breathe GAA so I can’t avoid it. I had the shortest LGFA career when I played for two months with Trinity College in 1993. My talents are not on the football field!

How long have you been a member of Cuala?

20 years but my brothers both played (and still do) with Cuala all their lives.

What is your most memorable Cuala Moment?

Definitely winning the Club All Ireland both years. They were amazing achievements and it really brought the club together as a community.

What’s the biggest change you have seen throughout the organisation in your time?

The growth in the ladies section. It is fantastic to see. We operate the One Club model in our club which allows equal treatment of men and women.

Where do you see the future of Cuala and especially the ownership of more pitches?

Our priority as the Club Executive is pitches. We are always looking for new pitches and liaising with DLR CoCo to try to upgrade the pitches we use.