Cuala Annual Awards

What a fantastic night last Saturday in the Royal Marine Hotel for the Annual Cuala Awards night sponsored by Amgen, where we had the opportunity to honour and recognise the best of Cuala in 2023. A huge thank you as always to AMGEN for their valued support of our club. Special thanks also to the Royal Marine Hotel as our hosts for the evening and to our organising committee of Dermot Malone, Damian McKeown, Breda Kennedy and Angi Crispe. Finally thank you to Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh who acted as MC, Joe and Nic for entertainment, Liam Madden for photography, and to everyone who attended.

Pictured are AMGEN’s Paul Greene with Dublin players Jennifer Dunne, Jessica Tobin, Grainne Fitzsimons and Martha Byrne. Photo credit: Liam Madden

Comhgairdeas to our 2023 Cuala Award Winners:

Manager of the Year Award – Colmán O’Drisceoil

Ladies Football Young Player of the Year Award – Caoimhe Brady

Men’s Football Young Player of the Year Award – Dave O’Dowd and Cillian Dunne

Ladies Football Player of the Year Award – Fiona Craddock

Men’s Football Player of the Year Award – Cal Doran

Adult Camogie Young Player of the Year Award – Jennifer Sheeran

Adult Hurling Young Player of the Year Award – Jamie Conroy

Adult Hurling Player of the Year Award – Eoghan O’Callaghan

AMGEN Team of the Year Award – Women’s 3rd Football Team

Special Presentation to Michael Fitzsimons and Jennifer Dunne

Club Person of the Year Award – Joyce Groarke