An Bothán

An Bothán – A New Social Space at Cuala

After many hours of hard work the old Cuala gym has been turned into an inviting social space complete with pool table, comfortable seating, water colour, tv and some inspirational artwork. Some of the eagle-eyed among you might even spot the old bar lights repurposed which give an added bit of atmosphere! Many thanks to Dave Kennedy who was instrumental in the development of this space. Check out a little video of the room here.

We have answered some FAQs anyone may have on the room….

Who/What is the room for? 
The room is designed to be a space for members over 18 years of age to relax and socialise. Members over 16 years of age are also welcome as long as there is also an adult present who is compliant with vetting and Safefguarding.

Do I need to book the room?
As we want this to be an informal social space, the room is not on the Booking Scheduling System. Anyone using the room should simply sign the ‘Sign In Book’ available at the entrance.

However if other meeting rooms (Analysis room and the Board Room) are not available and a room is needed the space may be used for a one-off session. In this case there is a sign for the door “ROOM NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESENT” located on shelf inside the door.

Anything else I should know?
We want everyone to enjoy the space and simply request that respect is given for other members in leaving the room as it is found. Thank you!