Important Message on Cuala Clubhouse Facilities

Happy New Year everyone – let’s hope the weather will soon oblige us and allow training to resume as normal.  Thanks to all for your continued cooperation regarding the training schedule.  As you know, all of our resources are very stretched, and it really helps when teams are solution-focused and can negotiate fair access between all.

In the spirit of the new year renewal and our commitment to continue to improve our club for all, some reminders:

 Clubhouse use:

  • A reminder that food and drink may not be consumed in the Halla or An Bothán (social room).
  • Please tidy up after your use of the facilities and put your rubbish in the bins provided. Lost property will be kept for 3 weeks and then passed on for donation.
  • Remember to book facilities at and cancel them if not being used.

Underage Members

  • The clubhouse is open to all members over the age of 18.  Juveniles between the ages of 16 and 18 may access the gym once they have had group induction and training under coach supervision and are registered for gym access.  See gym policy etc here.
  • All other juvenile players (U18) are welcome to come to club to play and practice during unreserved times, BUT ONLY IN THE COMPANY OF AN ADULT.
  • U16 members may not possess a fob or let themselves in to the club without adult supervision. Unfortunately, we have weekly instances this past year of large groups of underage members and non-members coming into the club without adult supervision, climbing walls, leaving fire doors open for others sometimes overnight, hiding from staff to avoid detection, leaving food and rubbish behind them.  This is primarily a safety issue for young people, whom we want to protect from harm, and who are not covered by insurance if not accompanied by an adult.  Going forward, fobs will be confiscated or blocked when found to be in the possession of underage people.

Cuala Shop

The Cuala shop will open only on the following days:

  • Wednesdays:10am – 1.30pm
  • Saturdays: 10-11.30am

Purchases can be made any time from the Cuala on-line shop and can be collected during the above hours.  Orders for postage will be dispatched on Wednesdays. In person sales (card only) also on Wednesday and Saturdays.   Orders can also be made directly to McKeever for Cuala gear.  All team orders must be made through the office.

Office hours

  •  Mon Fri 9am-2pm
  • Thursday mornings will be a ‘closed door day’ to facilitate essential administration.

Facilties Booking 

All our facility schedules can be viewed on (pitches) and here (building facilities). Regular users can add these to their home screens for ease for access to daily updates.

Please use email to book facilities and general communication.  Tel: 01-01-285 0783 or 085-169 6286 for urgent issues.

Here’s wishing our Senior Footballers the very best of luck tomorrow and looking forward to another great year for our club.

Cuala Abú!

Regards, Elva O’Callaghan
Club Manager