1964 Cuala Casements U13 Hurlers

With all the history being made around the club in recent weeks, Cartlann Digiteach Cuala was prompted to resume its rummaging in the archives.  We were delighted to receive this picture a few weeks back of a then “Casements” U13 team from one of its proud members, Larry Mahon(#04).  They played in the South City League in 1964.

And many thanks to PJ Holden (#17) for putting so many names on these young faces.

Back Row: 1. Mick Dunphy (Mentor), 2. Brendan McKenna,3. Pat Clifford, 4. Larry Mahon, 5. Shay Hammond,
6. George Stephenson, 7. Andrew Kinsella, 8. Tony Murphy, 9. Tony Dorgan, 10. Tony Finnerty, 11. Rev Bro. Kiely (CBS Eblana)

Front Row: 12. Kevin O’Toole, 13. Liam Vance, 14. Tony Dorman, 15. John Lynch, 16. John Knight, 17. PJ Holden,
18 Pat Byrne, 19. Charles Clack. , 21, Stephen McEntee, 22. Tony Flanagan, 23. David Banahan,

Answers to history@cualagaa.ie