Cuala Hurling & Football – Minutes 11 March 1965

” members were asked to leave the meeting quietly

In the aftermath of the British monarch’s historic visit to Croke Park, many commentators have welcomed the improved relationship between the GAA and the former colonial powers.   Of course, Cuala was way ahead of its time in fostering cordial relationships in the “Borough” – as evidenced by these club minutes from March 1965.

Cartlann Digiteach Cuala (Cuala Digital Archive) aims to assemble an on-line archive of images, stories and memorabilia relating to Cuala, its ‘ancestral’ clubs and other Gaelic clubs that operated in the area in the past.  If you have any information or material to share with us, please contact –
Michael Goodwin, +353 (0) 87 2266140,
Contributors can be assured that all material will be treated with care and returned promptly.

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